Guest House History
The Waterloo property has been so named from at least 1826, when a house
and other buildings were left in the will of Mary Hook, whose father Duncan
Hook had been a wealthy merchant in Black River.
The property was named after the Battle of Waterloo which took place in
Belgium in 1815.
Waterloo was the first private home in Jamaica to be lit by electricity, installed
in 1893. It also had what was probably the first indoor swimming pool on the
island. This was located to the left of the house (viewing from the front). The
pool was eventually filled in.
The property was acquired by John William Leyden, whose grave lies at the
back of the property. Leyden came to Jamaica from Britain as a young man in
the 1830s. He was a smart businessman, and by the time of his death in 1889
he was one of Jamaica’s richest men, having made most of his fortune right
here in Black River.